Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Mana Khemia 2: Fall of Alchemy Partial Review (Sort of)

So, hubby picked up this game about a month ago. We were both excited since there are 2 different characters with different storylines, so we wouldn't have to watch eachother replay everything.
You get the choice to play as a student enrolling in Al-Revis Academy. You can be Raze, the combat student, or Ulrika, the alchemy student with a mana egg. I chose Ulrika (which I later found out is the more difficult storyline, though I had little trouble) and hubby picked Raze. My only complaint with her is her ungodly redneck accent - it was a little overdone >.<
In some ways, it's an improvement from the first Mana Khemia game. Instead of the line type grow book (where you would get stuck with recipes that you couldn't get until way late in the game) it's an actual book with cards! Each card can unlock independantly of the others. Also, the 3rd slot can only be activated by an ether level 100. I'm a total synth junkie, so I LOVED this feature.
Also, instead of just slashing enemies, when you run into one, a little bubble with one of the controller buttons (square, circle, triangle or x) will appear over their heads, and you need to press this.
The game has also moved above and beyond finishing moves with the inclusion of intamacies. These work with a succession of two characters peforming support moves. I found this infinately more useful than finishing moves (which I found difficult to actually execute). The best part was defensive intamacies!! I used these more than anything. In Ulrika's party they either buffed or healed (and one character even restores SP!). Not sure about Raze's party yet, I haven't gotten that far with it.
The best part is that there is new game+ content! You can do the other character's storyline keeping all synthesis recipes, items and equipment!! It is so awesome being able to fend off everything because you have end-of-the-game calibur armor and accessories. I'm told after you do both storylines you get ALL TEN CHARACTERS at once. I haven't gotten this far, but am more than a little excited at the prospect.
Just a side note, as far as good things go, the character Pepperoni's synthesis active support skill "Gift From the Earth" is the most AMAZING thing ever!
My only real complaint is the storyline is definately lacking. It seemed more like it was playing on the fact that Ulrika is a dummy with mysterious conversations by other manas about Uryu (Ulrika's mana). In fact, I didn't even realize the end boss was the end boss - I figured I had, at least, two more guys to go!
Did I still like the game overall? Absolutely! I love side quests in video games, and if you're a gamer who does I reccommend this game. Hubby commented on the fact that I once spent 2 hours JUST SYNTHESIZING, but it never felt that long. First play-through took me 40 hours, with as full as possible grow books with everything learned (I only had one grow book item I couldn't get to ether level 100). I found the goofy characters in Ulrika's workshop (mainly Pepperoni and Goto) were very endearing. They all, also, featured lovely character design (as seems to be the normal for this series).
I could talk about this all day, so I'm going to stop here. I hope to be able to offer a more full "review" when I finish the other storylines.

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